Fresh Catch: Better Late Than Never

Team Runnin’ Late got off to a great start early into the start of fishing in the Saltwater Shootout with a slammer Dolphin! They hooked the big fish and a second one in about 250 feet of water fishing off Delray in the tournament. There was another fish in the 30 pound range that swam by the boat at the same time but they were not able to get a bait to it in time!
As luck would have it, they had a mechanical issue with their engine at the end of the day and it looked like they would be ‘Runnin’ Late’ to make it back to Hillsboro Inlet by the 4:30pm deadline. Fortunately, they were right out front of the inlet when they broke down and were able to grab a quick tow from TowBoat US and make it back to the inlet with 3 minutes to spare!
The big dolphin tipped the scale at 44.5 pounds and turned out to be the heaviest dolphin of the tournament. They also had the second heaviest dolphin at 21.2 plus first place in the added value ‘Show Me the Mahi’ category to win a total of $2,000 in the tournament!