Optional Prize – Bluewater Movements, INC.

Operation Sailfish - Optional entry prize structure

Small Boat Stash

Winner Take All

(Eligible to boats 37’ & Under)

  • Winner Take All$2,700

Entry fee for the Small Boat Stash is $500 per boat. Prize money is based on 6 boats. Eligible to boats 37' and under. Prize money in this category in this optional category is awarded to the overall high-point small boat team in the category. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.

Quest "TNT" Series Calcutta

50 / 30 /20 Split

  • 1st$16,200
  • 2nd$9,720
  • 3rd$6,480

A team must register for this category in the 1st leg of the series in order to be eligible for the prize money at the end of the season. The entry fee is $1,500. Prize money is based upon  24 boats.

Tier 1 Daily

50/30/20 Split

  • 1st Place$10,350 per day
  • 2nd Place$6,210 per day
  • 3rd Place$4,140 per day

Entry for the Tier 1 Daily is $1,000 per boat. Prize money is based on 46 boats. Prize money in this optional daily category is awarded to the top three high-point teams in the category each day. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.

Tier 2 Daily

70 / 30 Split

  • 1st Place$46,620 per day
  • 2nd Place$19,980 per day

Entry for the Tier 2 Daily is $4,000 per boat. Prize money is based on 37 boats. Prize money in this optional daily category is awarded to the top two high-point teams in the category each day. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.

Leader’s Board

50/30/20 Split

  • 1st Place$20,250
  • 2nd Place$12,150
  • 3rd Place$8,100

Entry fee for the Leader’s Board is $1,000 per boat. Prize money is based on 45 boats. Prize money in this optional category is awarded to the top three high-point boats in the category. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.

Fish For Charity

50/50 Split

(Operation Homefront)

  • Top Team
  • Charity

Entry fee for Fish For Charity is $500 per boat. Prize money is based on 30 boats. Prize money in this optional entry category is awarded to the overall high-point team in the category. Both teams and charity win in this category with a 50/50 split between the high-point team and the tournament charity. Prize money will increase or decrease based on the number of boats entered.

Release Round Up

Winner Take All

  • Jackpot$28,800

Entry fee for the Release Round Up is $1,000 per boat. Prize money is based on 32 boats. Estimated purse is based on the rollover amount from Final Sail 2023. This optional entry category is divided into 4 rounds over 2 days of fishing (Early Bite and Late Bite each day). Numbers ranging from 1 to 5 will be drawn from the sealed container during each round of fishing. That number will determine the minimum number of sailfish that must be released to move on to the next round. Drawn numbers can only be used once. A team must advance through all 4 rounds in order to win the pot. In the final round, should multiple boats release the required number of fish, the team that releases the most fish in that round will win. Ties determined by whichever team released last fish first. If no winner, the pot rolls over to the next leg of the Quest series.

Self Centered

Winner Take All

(Center Console Boats Only)

  • Winner Take All$7,200

Entry fee for Self Centered is $500 per boat. Prize money is based on 16 boats. Prize money in this optional entry category is awarded to the overall high-point center console team in the category. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.

Big Fish Bonanza

Winner Take All

  • Winner
    Take All

Entry fee for Big Fish Bonanza is $500 per boat. Prize money is based on 46 boats. Prize money in this optional category is awarded to the team that weighs in the heaviest eligible dolphin, wahoo, tuna, kingfish, or cobia in the category. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.

The Big Easy

70/30 Split

(Available to all boats)

  • 1st Place$78,120
  • 2nd Place$33,480

Entry fee for The Big Easy is $4,000 per boat. Prize money is based on 31 boats. Prize money in this optional high-stakes category is available to all boats and is awarded to the top two high-point teams in the category. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.

The Big Three

50/30/20 Split

(Heaviest Fish)

  • Heaviest Fish$8,775
  • 2nd Heaviest Fish$5,265
  • 3rd Heaviest Fish$3,510

Entry fee for The Big Three is $500 per boat. Prize money is based on 39 boats. Eligible species are dolphin, wahoo, tuna, kingfish, or cobia. Prize money in this optional category is awarded to the team(s) that weigh the heaviest three fish in the category. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.

Dynamite Daily

70/30 Split

(Combined Weight)

  • 1st Place$10,710 per day
  • 2nd Place$4,590 per day

Entry for the Dynamite Daily is $1,000 per boat. Prize money is based on 34 boats. Eligible species are dolphin, wahoo, tuna, kingfish, and cobia. Prize money in this optional daily category is awarded to the top two boats each day. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.

High Roller’s Club

Winner Take All

  • Winner
    Take All

Entry fee for the High Roller’s Club is $1,000 per boat. Prize money is based on 37 boats. Prize money in this optional category is awarded to the overall high-point team in the category. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.


Winner Take All (Inboard powered sportfish boats only)

  • Winner
    Take All

Entry fee for Sporty is $1,000 per boat. Prize money is based on 28 boats. Prize money in this optional entry category is awarded to the overall high-point inboard-powered sportfish team in the category. Prize money will increase or decrease based on number of boats entered.


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