Operation Sailfish - Optional entry prize structure
Small Boat Stash
Winner Take All
(Eligible to boats 37’ & Under)
- Winner Take All$2,700
Quest "TNT" Series Calcutta
50 / 30 /20 Split
- 1st$16,200
- 2nd$9,720
- 3rd$6,480
Tier 1 Daily
50/30/20 Split
- 1st Place$10,350 per day
- 2nd Place$6,210 per day
- 3rd Place$4,140 per day
Tier 2 Daily
70 / 30 Split
- 1st Place$46,620 per day
- 2nd Place$19,980 per day
Leader’s Board
50/30/20 Split
- 1st Place$20,250
- 2nd Place$12,150
- 3rd Place$8,100
Fish For Charity
50/50 Split
(Operation Homefront)
- Top Team
$6,750 - Charity
Release Round Up
Winner Take All
- Jackpot$28,800
Self Centered
Winner Take All
(Center Console Boats Only)
- Winner Take All$7,200
Big Fish Bonanza
Winner Take All
- Winner
Take All$20,700
The Big Easy
70/30 Split
(Available to all boats)
- 1st Place$78,120
- 2nd Place$33,480
The Big Three
50/30/20 Split
(Heaviest Fish)
- Heaviest Fish$8,775
- 2nd Heaviest Fish$5,265
- 3rd Heaviest Fish$3,510
Dynamite Daily
70/30 Split
(Combined Weight)
- 1st Place$10,710 per day
- 2nd Place$4,590 per day
High Roller’s Club
Winner Take All
- Winner
Take All$33,300
Winner Take All (Inboard powered sportfish boats only)
- Winner
Take All$25,200